My digital skills

© 2023 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

A.I. image generator has become a handy tool to create art and form a trend in the creative world. Lately, a Russian graphic designer, kinly808, using the A.I. image generator 'Midjourney' to create his graphic collection called 'If Wes Anderson directed Harry Potter'. The A.I. images blend the two styles perfectly and created a mixture that offers you surprises. The collections went viral on Twitter and become a hot topic debating whether A.I. assisting or destroying the creative field. To me, it raises my memory of when I started to learn and use a computer for design work.
I was in the generation that design still mostly relied on hand drawings. During my industrial study back in 2009, we were still using Copic markers to create perspective drawings of products to present ideas. Meanwhile, the development of 3D software had become more mature then they become a crucial tool for design processes. I still remember the teachers who had designed for decades using traditional methods strongly against using computers. However, time has proven that the digital world has won the game and we'd better follow the spinning wheels.
Contradictive feelings often arise when I look at the A.I. images. Is it still art? What is the value of itShould I follow the stream and give it a try? After all these struggles, I decided to leave it behind. I enjoy the working processes in my projects and the time that I have spent thinking, actualizing, and modifying. I am not denying the importance of digital technology as it is crucial for both my profession and personal life. I will keep technology as a tool to assist in what I would like to achieve and the working process will still be under my control. As a creator, I strongly believe the working process is the core of any creation which is as the beauty of the craft.
'If Wes Anderson directed Harry Potter', Kinly808
'If Wes Anderson directed Harry Potter', Kinly808


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